Should you hold or sell The FHT Token?

Investors in any project, whether real world investments or Crypto, do so in order to make a profit. Investors in the FHT token should feel no different. If you feel you want to sell your FHT tokens in order to take profit, then you should do so. Nobody should feel locked into a project, unable to exit when they want to. There will be no vesting of the FHT token, instead there will be full transparency and live videos of the Real World Assets [RWA]. This approach will continue throughout.

The benefits of Holding the FHT token: the Tokenomics have been designed such that that the RWA purchased for revenue generation will belong to it's token holders, and not the business owner or FH Team. This means that the FHT token will act as a share in the Business asset and will not rely on the CEO/Business owner having a majority share. FH Team members will have to buy their shares [FHT tokens] just like every other investor.

Token Benefits

Main Benefit: The FH Ecosystem will be designed around the token, and include the future plans. Fortune Vends has already started running and we are collating detailed information to run and expand profitably, safely in a fully regulated fashion. As we continue, we be following the appropriate Government Regulation.

All profits will be brought into the ecosystem as follows:

Once stock had been paid, property payment and wages paid out, the remaining profit will be divided as follows:

20% will Airdrop to NFT Holders in FHT tokens

10% to the FH Treasury

30% to Insurance pools [a regulatory requirement]

40% will buyback the FHT token. In Crypto, it is commonplace for tokens to be burnt in order to make a Token deflationary, however, [after significant research] doing so can problematic, as outlined below:

1) The Token price increases too fast, often which can causing big sell-offs [Token Dumping]

2) These sell-offs affect the price faster, as there would be less tokens in circulation. Doing so brings price instability and volatility. We seek to maintain stabler token pricing, in the aim that it will not affect price volatility as much if the supply is not manipulated or significantly reduced.

Instead we will hold these buyback FHT tokens in a Tax wallet that will be used in the future for a staking platform or a project that can be earned back by investors. This should not affect price as these will be [already] paid-for tokens.

Example Of Returns (Estimates)

Month 1 £2000 ($2440) profit after stock etc

10% £200 or $244 to the Treasury fund wallet

30% £600 or $732 to insurance pool for FHT token

40% £800 or $976 Buyback wallet

20% £400 or $488 Airdrop in FHT token to all NFT Holder's

Last updated