FHT Token Presale & Team Tokens

Presale: How to enter and how the raise will be distributed

The FH Presale will be for Fortune Hunters RWA NFT holders only, plus a cap of 50 additional Presale spots allocated to partners. We are using Gempad, a respectable and reputable presale platform [i.e. one that will not just dump its allocated tokens on launch].

The raise will be held over a 3 day period, with promotional videos being made beforehand. FH will hold all appropriate legal licences and company details before launch, and the Presale will occur on a website clearly displaying these, and will be in accordance with all UK Government and Crypto Regulatory bodies, advice and services of 8th October 2023.

The Raise Distribution

The funds from the Presale raise will be distributed according as per the following percentages: [addresses will be updated and displayed here before the presale date].

40% - Placed and locked in a Liquidity Pair [LP] for a minimum of 3 years at a time via Multisig.

10% - FH Team and Administrators (This will be the Team's only payment from the Presale. No FHT Tokens will be given to the team, any FH Tokens held privately must be must be purchased.

10% - Insurance pool - required by UK regulations, must continue to be grown and held only in liquidity pools. This must be interacted with via Multisig wallet and only used in the event of a hack, to be used to repay investors.

10% - Treasury Fund, again, must be used via Multisig, as agreed by regulatory bodies, as it be will used to fund future FH projects and to update the future FH Ecosystem.

30% Marketing & Revenue generation wallet, via a Multisig wallet that will be visible at all times to investors and be the only wallet used to remove funds and replace. This will be the wallet that starts small and grows bigger and shall be used to increase the Insurance pool amounts and therefore to stay in line with the regulations to keep investors/investments safe.

Team & Admin Token Allowance

We believe it is wrong to give the Team Tokens for free. The FH Team will instead be paid for their work. The only tokens the Team can receive will be by being purchased from buying into the presale as a normal FH RWA NFT Holder, or in the Public launch in the case of no NFTs being owned. We feel we should only have the same rights as any other investor, able to use the regularly purchased tokens just the same as everyone else.

Last updated