Fortune Hunters Token [FHT]

What is the Fortune Hunters Token and how it is different

The Fortune Hunters Token [FHT] is designed to generate money for all those invested. Rather than trying to whip up a community through overtalked bullish sentiment and zero utility, we are instead bringing physical Real World Assets [RWA] and investments into the FHT token.

We are starting this on a small scale, where it's easier to manage growth, rectify mistakes and amend processes for greater efficiency as we grow. In short, we are building our processes and revenue generating assets, from the ground up, building everything out [transparently to our investors] into a larger scale, in time. Please checkout our Roadmap for details.

The Fortune Hunters team will not receive disbursement of any FHT Tokens as a form of payment, or be able to use FHT tokens from the FH Treasury or Tax vault. (See taxation). All wallets associated with the FHT token will be connected by Multisig only. This will be visible for all to see who has approved/been refused access to Monies or the FH Treasury. No funds from FHT token buys or sells will be used to generate funds in any way. Doing so would only serve to damage the reputation and health of the FH Ecosystem. Our analogy is that although starting from a single acorn, we plan to build into a big tree, with many branches - and then in time additional trees.

Last updated