Fortune Vend Machines currently deployed

Fortune Vends [FV] is the Vending arm of Fortune Hunters and currently holds:

2 Vending Machines serving drinks and snacks 5 Bulk Sweet Machines that vend 20 Pence [£0.20] portions of confectionary [sweets] The FV machines are currently deployed in 2 Locations in England, UK. One location permits us to video the revenue collection/stock replacement. Our second site is a secured office building which required FH to sign an agreement concerning privacy of data, therefore it is not permissible to film there. We will however be documenting revenues from all sites on a weekly basis. We have robust plans [currently under application] to deploy FV machines to more businesses, as well as a Fortune Vends Specific website that is planned to go live.

Calculating Profit & Costs from Fortune Vends locations


1 Chocolate bar costs £0.50 to purchase from supplier It is sold for £1 in the Fortune Vends Machine £0.50 will be used to payoff the stock purchase £0.10 will be paid to the Location owner as commission payment, paid out monthly £0.10 will be paid towards layout & running costs £0.30 will be converted into Crypto and sent to the Treasury wallet, where: £0.10 will be paid into the Treasury wallet £0.10 will be paid into the Insurance fund [legal requirement] £0.10 will be paid into buybacks for staking [when rolled out]

Last updated